Protest For Nigeria.

Fellow Nigerians,

The only choice we have is to take action(s) now to save Nigeria. No price will be too much to save Nigeria. In doing so, we also need to take action(s) beyond the Nigerian boarders, especially now that the world has become a global village. It is on this note that, we are calling on all Nigerians to join and protest for Nigeria at the international arena.

Next Steps: (a) simply sign the petition online by visiting this web page (b) copy the petition below and send/email to the lists of the contacts below. Surely our cumulative action(s) will yield results.

Dear Sir/Ma,

Part of Nigeria’s biggest problem is capital flight, occasioned by massive top level corruption. At present, “The World Bank estimates the country’s generals and gangster politicians stole $300 billion in the three decades to 2006”(Time Magazine, May 3rd 2010 Edition, Page 42). These stolen funds are usually kept in European, American and other oversea banks, while some are used to buy properties in the same countries. The cumulative effects, being high unemployment, poverty, crimes, insecurity and the near collapse of the entire Nigerian system. Little wonder United Kingdom Guardian Newspapers of Thursday November 27th 2008 page 23, grouped Nigeria among the list of 20 failed states. A failed Nigeria, with a population of about 150 million will be the greatest challenge for the international community.

Therefore, time to take action is now. Kindly use your good office to effect a policy change that will deny corrupt Nigerian officials and their family members, access to your country. Where such law exists like the, United States Presidential Proclamation 7750 of January 12, 2004, authorities should commence full enforcement. Those on dual citizenship with your country should be placed on crime watch lists. Investigate properly every money transfer originating from Nigeria to, or through your country/banks. For lists of corrupt Nigerian officials, please contact your embassy in Nigeria, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), and Interpol. Furthermore, sign an extradition treaty with Nigeria if none exists.

This is a non governmental, but a citizens/groups led request for your government’s assistance. The Nigerian masses will be highly grateful if your government could oblige the above request.

List of contacts/recipients.

President Barack Obama,
The White House. (click on the web page and send this petition).

Committee On Foreign Relations.
U.S. Senate.
Tel: +1-202-224-4651.
Tel: +1-202-224-6797
Fax: +1-202-228-3612

Committee On Foreign Affairs,
United States House of Representatives, (click on the web page and send this petition).

The British Prime Minister, (David Cameroon)
No 10 Downing Street, London. (click on the web page and send this petition).

Foreign Affairs Committee,
House of Commons, London.

European Parliament,
Committee on Petitions,
The Secretariat, Brussels. (click on the web page and send this petition).

Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Jakarta, Indonesia.

Please be kind enough to send the above petition to other international NGOs, Other countries/governments, various regional organizations etc. May God Bless Nigeria.

Chinedu Vincent Akuta.
An activist and leader of “Support Option A4 Group” Leicester-UK

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