Whoever Dines With a Lion Will End Up In Its Belly.

1960-66, it was NPC/NCNC alliance that supported all the intricacies that brought in the political unrest in the west. The coup of January 1966 by the so-called “5 Majors” truncated our regional autonomy and brought in Ironsi’s unitary government. 1979 brought in the NPN/NPP accord and we all know where it ended. Yorubas rejected Obasanjo in 1999 and whether he was imposed on the country is a complete different topic. 2015 election was the first of it’s kind that brought the core north and the southwest together for the first time in the anal of our political history and the situation appears like “whoever dines with a lion will end up in its belly”. Maybe I am wrong, I won’t yet conclude on that. That will come clearer before the end of 2020.
Felix Adejumo.