The Ring Of Business Failures In Cultural Black Nation – (Nigeria).

Gentlemen, there is no gainsaying, my sincerest hope of penning this down is that someone, somewhere in picks a queue of knowledge, from experiences gained over the years, rendering topical consultancy, in varying spectrum of professional fields, with relativity to core areas, of strength, wherefore am an SME (Subject Matter Expert).
Therefore, a request you as a reader to should read and study the lines with an open mind.
Entrepreneurs, Business owners, truly form the cradle of every nation. But cultural Africa, with the massiveness of her potential wealth, and human estate, till date, has lingered the limbo of shortfall(s) of businesses and majorly death of business after the patriarchy of such business either departs or got bought out by proxies of by shares.
When businesses grow, there is an increase in disposal income, unemployment reduces, social vices go down, GDP growth of such countries soar and people live better lives, or accordingly, live above subjugative subterfuge as a human.
I got schooled, by an acquaintance I met through a common friend, who regales a quote from a magazine I once read on the plan, from Port Harcourt to Abuja. Anyway from the accent of the acquaintance, She sounded very Northerner, and yes, it’s a She! and she said and I quote *”To transform the African continent, one of the cancers that must be dealt with is the cancer of business failures, If the African continent and Nigeria, is going to grow buoyant, then all efforts have to be put in place to reduce the business failures looming on the continent”*.
This struck me in varying dimension, and then remember my days as a *”Business School Graduate”*, and also as striving entrepreneur. And my thoughts were what went wrong? I could only foister in my head, the true issues as cataloged below:
A. That African business interface, & ecosystem principles are Antiquities of the past.
B. The Single Mindedness of Sole Ownership yet limited liability erodes growth and permeate stagnation after awhile. – Kingsway was killed by internal management wrangling, and it’s now gone, as well as UTC was blown away by insipid blood of tick inner tribal war of west, south, and north. AGS Bama, a foremost Agro-Allied Company, died in the hands and chess board game of family wrangling, purely a succession war, that crippled AGS Bama. Should more be mentioned, BAU Motors, Oshopy, Chanrai, FAN Milk, Obeez Burger, Chicken Geroge, MBO Drink Coy, Berek Batteries, Philips Nigeria, Michelin Nigeria, Ajakuta Steel, DSC Alaja, Olympia Cinema and so much more I can’t seem to start penning down all across the Nigeria of Africa. All these conglomerates, died of the same disease – called the *”African Insipid Organizational Culture”*. – this is will explain in my next write – up.
Well, the AIOC, is a topic for another day, but for the moment, I Implore all the readers, meditate inwardly and outwardly, their core aim(s) of becoming an entrepreneur, or a business.