In Supporting Peter Obi.

This video by Timothy Offor surely touched on certain correct assertions, blended with a large dose of unverifiable claims, prototypical assumptions and some rather wild presumptions. His advice is worth considering, on the whole, but it’s bases are not really entirely true.
We have to be aggressive . Constructively aggressive. The people we are dealing with are not taking it easy (apart from not being honest and not being decent!). Why should we take these things lying low?! Nothing in this game gets to the meek.
All we need NOT do, is descend to indecency and fraud with them. As for VIGOROUSLY PUSHING OUR CANDIDATE’S CASE, AND TEARING DOWN THEIR CANDIDATES’ CLAIMS, that’s it!
Research and gather your facts, verify them and fortify yourself with them, then refute, resist, reject all machinations of the value-eroders that seek to keep you in bondage. Repel most vigorously the determined advance of these forces of evil, bent on tipping Nigeria over. EVIL MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO PREVAIL. They have done enough! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY!
They can accuse us of being aggressive, because they expected a “structureless”, voiceless, spineless, directionless and “liver less ” support for PETER OBI; they also expected a parochial, Igbocentric following so they can bring out their silly labels, hang it on Peter and crush his ambition. They expected Peter’s campaign to fizzle out in a few short weeks, scorched to ashes by the massive caches of STOLEN FUNDS at their respective disposals, and the activities of their rotten, corrupt, “structures”. But God pass them.
They got the shocks of their lives! Nigerians from all strata, all corners, all persuasions, of all ages: they have all rallied round to TAKE BACK Nigeria from the despoilers, the clueless thieves whose only claim to the presidency is either they’ve been Vice President or it is their “turn”! Their only presentation is either that they’ve contested many times before or that they helped install the worst government ever to exist in Nigeria. How laughable! Such cruel jokes are taken to the next level when, having nothing else to say, they come up with the insipid, bland, empty-head stutter, that ” Peter Obi’s supporters are rude, aggressive…”. Really?! That’s your campaign?! No surprise there.
That’s because they were so polite and gentle – the whole rotten hypocritical lot of them – when they were arrayed against President Goodluck Jonathan from 2014 up until the 2015 elections. When thry shout its “our” turn and its “my” turn, their ethnocentric imbecility is acceptable, but if Peter’s kinsmen support and defend him, then “HE’S AN IGBO CANDIDATE”, “HE IS IPOB” (even as IPOB attacks LP Members and destroys their meeting place, and prevents many from registering for PVCs!).
Yeah, it must be true. Afterall, the ODUDUWA REPUBLIC secessionist agitation is taking place in Madagascar where none of the candidates hails from, and BOKO HARAM, BANDITS and sundry TERRORISTS who have taken over territories and declared them parts of their caliphate, etc are operating in Taiwan, and they have no brother in this presidential race.
Whoever can throw punches should be prepared to take some. We are offering them more than “some”. Decency, though, will be our watchword, as always, and as exemplified by our candidate who has not gone on air to say that any group of people should DIE labouring! He has not wished anyone death, even though he is not a wobbly-legged, shaky-handed and leaky-assed, washed-out sickling, propped up daily by injections and sundry medicinal fortifications.
We will not cower and fold. No! The masses of the Nigerian people have already started this march, and will not be deterred, or derailed, or distracted. We will not be intimidated. And no one can pitch us against each other by playing that well-worn divide-and-rule ethnic card. Not even the soiled and desecrated religious card. OUR MUMU DON KUKUMA DO!
Timothy Offor should quit his patronising and this lame attempt to placate those who have set him up to feel they are “victims” whereas they – these serpentine fiends – are the accusers and oppressors who have come to STEAL the peace and unity of Nigeria as well as its funds and the future of its children; to KILL our youth both physically (as on October 20 at Lekki Tollgate), and spiritually (by throwing stolen funds at them to turn thrm to Internet rats, attack dogs, “disinfluencers”, thugs, election rigging BVAS manipulation data inputers etc,) , and to DESTROY the future of this nation by foisting their tainted, vile and vaulting ambitions and lust for power, on a nation already so impoverished and so disunited that all it needs is THE FRESH BREEZE OF PETER OBI, A DECENT, COMPETENT, ENERGETIC VISIONARY .
Obasi D. Nwabueze Esq
September 16, 2022