Imagine What Nigerians Could Have Said!.

I wonder what could have been said if the “mysterious” plane crash that took the life of Kaduna State Governor, late Patrick Yakowa and Gen Andrew Azazi happened during BUHARI’S administration!
I wonder what could have been said on media or street if the 47 hefty Biafran men who were brutally killed from a prison and dumped in to Ozu River in 2013 had happened during Buhari’s led government!
I wonder what could be said if assuming the 560 people killed in Kano Central Mosque during Friday prayers in 2014 were to be a Church, and it happened during BUHARIS led administration!
I wonder what could have been said if Ayo Orisejafor were Sultan of Sokoto whose private Jet was apprehended and grounded in South Africa for arms smuggling happened during Buhari’s administration!
I wonder what could have been said if a plane stashed with thousand weapons and heavy explosive devices that was found in Kano airport in 2014 happened during Buhari’s led government!
What could have been said if the 17 local governments captured and controlled by “Boko Haram” where Emir of Gwoza was ambushed and killed by the terrorists because Maiduguri airport was closed… imagine if this could happen during BUHARI’S government!
These are few incidents that my brain vividly tickled as I writes. All these were not national issues and concerns because they happened to somewhere, to some people and by somebody…..
Now what is this noise all about?
I got it, because BUHARI is the President, and the hypocrites and enemies of Nigeria have taken over the media to spread message of hate & stereotype against & his government, but God Willing, they would all fail.
-George Udom