Peter Obi Is Far Ahead of Others in the Race.

The conference wasn’t held in the South East, They can no longer call him a South Eastern candidate or IPOB.
The conference wasn’t held on social media, His popularity is REAL and VERIFIABLE.
He didn’t pay any of those laywers “Shi Shi”, the crowd wasn’t BOUGHT or RENTED.
The conference wasn’t held in the Church, they can no longer say it’s Christains.

And to cap it all up, we still have 6 months!
Next year, the battle will be between Angry Nigerians and Nigerian Political class.
Peter Obi is our choice, zero regrets!
Why is the ovation so loud wherever Peter Obi appears? Be it at the Church, weddings, airports, Bar Association and even market places ? ?
It is not because he is Obi, it is because for the first time Nigerians have seen a pathway to escape from the prison of their taskmasters.
All tags on Obi could not hold.
They tagged him structureless, it did not hold. Tagged him corrupt, no evidence. Tagged his followers violent, it got no traction. Tagged him IPOB, it had no traction. Tagged him importer of fake goods, it had no traction. They even sat together and created fake videos and WhatsApp groups to attack themselves and turn around to blame his followers, that too did not work.
Desperate and evil men will stop at nothing!
They think Obi is the problem, no, their albatross is the faceless Obedients.
They attempted to change from electronic collation to manual with inec, they met a backlash and backed down, at the end, no tag on him has worked.
Their biggest fear is not Obi, don’t be confused, Obi is a mere man, after all “ Obi is a Boy”, their fear is the transformation of our freedom fighters into the ObiDient movement..
ObiDient is a movement whose time has come, it cannot be stopped.
Again don’t mix it up, the target is not Atiku or Tinubu, it is a Class warfare!
The target is opening the jailhouses of poverty, misery and joblessnesses among Nigerians, freeing the captives to “let my people go”
They are scared poverty will be reduced and the poor will not be there to serve them and massage their ego anymore.
They are scared the poor will be liberated to speak up for themselves. They are scared a new Nigeria will advance the equitable distribution of goods and services, the bourgeoisie is scared of the rule of the proletariat and the common man. The fear is real!
If they have a way to round up all obedients and lock them up under the pretense of Revolution, they would have done this long ago, unfortunately we are playing the game using a play book they designed themselves.
If you are a young man or woman who is yet to be Obidient, please join the team of freedom fighters, don’t ever align with our oppressors for any reason!
It surely will be a thing of joy for our children to grow up knowing we played a positive role towards the creation of a new and working Nigeria!
It is now or never, the Obedients are here to stay. No tag will stick except the tag of
“ Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!
Chileem Ifeanyichukwu,
Media Principality at Rescue Nigeria !